Dispensary Category: Dispensaries


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3 Reviews on “Pure Wellness Dispensary and CBD NOT RECOMMENDED”

Overall rating
Cannabis Products Score
  • Cannabis Products Score

    This place is more than just a Dispensary!!! They get their customers information, then try to message them on Facebook and try to get them to sleep with them!!! They were under a different profile, but once I saw the “fishing pics” I knew exactly who they were. So I called them out on it, which you can see in the screenshots. It looks like to me this “Dispensary” is actually running some sort of sex ring and using the Dispensary as a cover up!!! I do not recommend going there, there’s no telling what they may try to do! VERY SCARY!!!

  • Cannabis Products Score

    Pathetic little store. I will never go back.

  • Cannabis Products Score

    owner threatened to sue budscore because of REALLY BAD customer reviews… now THAT IS FUCKING LAME!

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