By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy, as well as the Terms & Conditions of Use contained therein (collectively referred to as the “Terms of Use”). Your access to this site is subject to the Terms of Use we establish as well as all applicable laws.
Public Websites
When you visit Budscore Media’s public websites, no personal information—such as your name, date of birth or telephone number —is collected, unless you provide us with that information voluntarily. Budscore Media will not sell, license, transmit or disclose this information outside of Budscore Media and its affiliated companies unless (a) expressly authorized by you, (b) necessary to enable Budscore Media’s contractors or agents to perform certain functions for us, or (c) required or permitted by law. In all cases, we will disclose the information consistent with applicable laws and regulations and we will require the recipient to protect the information and use it only for the purpose it was provided.
Secure Website Services
When you visit Budscore Media’s public websites, no personal information—such as your name, date of birth or telephone number —is collected, unless you provide us with that information voluntarily. Budscore Media will not sell, license, transmit or disclose this information outside of Budscore Media and its affiliated companies unless (a) expressly authorized by you, (b) necessary to enable Budscore Media’s contractors or agents to perform certain functions for us, or (c) required or permitted by law. In all cases, we will disclose the information consistent with applicable laws and regulations and we will require the recipient to protect the information and use it only for the purpose it was provided.
Internet Protocol Addresses
You should also be aware that when you visit our websites, Budscore Media may collect certain information that does not identify you personally, but provides us with “usage data,” such as the number of visitors we receive or what pages are visited most often. This data helps us to analyze and improve the usefulness of the information we provide on these websites.
Cookies and Web Beacons
Like most commercial website owners, we may also use what is known as “cookie” technology. A “cookie” is an element of data that a website can send to your browser when you link to that website. It is not a computer program and has no ability to read data residing on your computer or instruct it to perform any step or function. By assigning a unique data element to each visitor, the website is able to recognize repeat users, track usage patterns and better serve you when you return to that site. The cookie does not extract other information about you, such as your name or address. Most browsers provide a simple procedure that will enable you to control whether you want to receive cookies by notifying you when a website is about to deposit a cookie file.
On some pages of the Budscore Media website there may also be use of action tags, sometimes referred to as web beacons or 1×1 pixel graphics interchange format (“GIF”) images. Such tags are used to monitor and assess the effectiveness of promotions and marketing. These tags work in combination with cookies, but do not collect or contain any personal information.
Collection of Information for Children Under 13
Budscore Media does not direct its websites, or knowingly collect any information from any persons under the age of 13.
Online Security
Budscore Media uses reasonable and appropriate security measures to safeguard the information that has been collected from you via the public or Secure Website Services. Among the measures that Budscore Media has implemented for its websites are administrative, physical and technical safeguards.
Budscore Media continually updates the information provided on its websites in order to keep the information as current and accurate as possible, however, it is possible that the websites may contain inaccuracies, errors or unauthorized modifications by third parties. Budscore Media does not make any express or implied warranties as to the accuracy of any information on its websites.
Any links to other non-Budscore Media websites are solely for your convenience in obtaining related information. Such inclusion or mention does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement by Budscore Media. Budscore Media does not control the contents of these websites and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any such information.
The information presented on our websites is not intended to constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation in connection with any service. If you are interested in any of Budscore Media’s services, please contact us for a complete description of the product and its availability.
Changes to Websites
Budscore Media may change or update information on its websites at any time. Budscore Media is not under any obligation to update information provided on its sites and so the information may be out of date at any given time.
Ownership, License and Restrictions on Use of Materials
This website is owned and operated by Budscore Media, all material contained in our websites is protected by law. All copyright, service mark and other proprietary notices must be kept intact.
Limitations of Liability
Under no circumstances including, but not limited to, negligence, shall Budscore Media or any of its related, affiliated companies be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use the Budscore Media material. You specifically acknowledge and agree that Budscore Media is not liable for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of any user. If you are dissatisfied with any of the Budscore Media material, or with any of Budscore Media’s terms of use and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using this Website.
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